I don't depress you, reality does.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005


What does a business do? Provide goods or services to make life easy. And businesses make profits. What should be done with profits? Reinvest everything. And be accused of lack of social responsibility. How much should a company pay it's employees? And why should Boss recieve multiple times more money thn lower mortals. Supply and demand, I guess.
Why do we hate Bill Gates? (admit that some of us do) Because, he sucks blood out of many people and makes too much money. So what's that guy doing with all that money? He claims that, he is spending that money on AIDS , Malaria...
Ok, if Bill Gates cuts the price of his software by half, are we going to donate the rest half to some poor guy in Asia/Africa? And when he is not doing this, he must be parking his money in banks which pay him a grand 1% interest per annum. Don't we all need money to buy SUVs, Homes at a nominal interest?
Am I justifying the "status quo" and am I believer in "fatalism"? No point crying over the poor. Save those tears and start working. If you can , go ahead , or else, be silent. It's good or you.


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