I don't depress you, reality does.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Innocent people.

I am talking about Indian public in context of elections. Politicians exploit people in such a simple manner. Wave hands at them. Enquire about their well being. Listen to their problems for a while. Crack a joke. Act sincere. If the other guy is doing the same, there is always money & muscle power on the eve of election day.
If your party is already in power , police and authorities are ready to help you in your efforts. If you are on the opposite side of fence, you can always use money to compensate for lack of power.
Money in India is concentrated in the hands of trading and feudal castes. In the name of democracy , they do everthing to gain and hold on to power. Except for stupid communists , every part is corrupt to the core. And communists are thematically corrupt. :(
People living in squalid conditions. Liquor being cornerstone to politics. Violence as a strategic weapon in so called democracy. I hate the whole sham. I wish I could revolt.


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