So if 50 people die in London it's terrorism. If thousands die in developing nations it's militancy or struggle for independence. If millions die in Africa, it's ethnic struggle or is it ethnic cleansing?
What difference does a sympanthy or argument make at this stage? Some nations need to sell arms to individuals and splinter groups to keep their citizens employed? What if the same weapons are used againest them? What's injustice? Looting oil? What's fair price for natural resources? Where's compensation fo centuries of imperialism? Why do we assume that our religion is the right one for every human being? And do we need to kill the other person to drive the point?
Should we fence our border and stop all the immigration? Shall we outsource our work and ensure supply of cheap goods and services? Shall we cancel the debt of poor nations? Shall we extend loan with a guarantee that it will be used to buy goods/services only from our country?
Shall we raise the slogan with us/againest us? Any resistance againest ruling class is sedition. Tradition is good, because it ensures that the parasites remain parasites.
Oil can go upto 100$. No, with recent attacks, people will be afraid to travel. SO i will come back to 30$. But did you take into account latest hurricane? Yeah, but china is slowing down. But a pipeline in iraq was blown by insurgents. New gas is discovered in India. India-Iran-pakistan pipeline is not acceptable to America. Europe is on decline. People have shown that, they are reasy to face any attack on the values they represent and uphold. And hence oil has returned to 62$. Osama, do you still have oil stocks? I suspect so.
If we are in power, it's because we are destined to. Secularism, human face of reforms, unity of proletariat, uniform civil code, responsible federal structure, environment, no to dams, no to canals, no to nuclear weapons, no to war, no to first use of nuclear weapons, credible defense, correction of historical mistakes, visits to war shrines, genocide, ...how are all these terms connected?
I am fair and want only fair skinned girls to sleep with to ensure a good offspring which will rule the world. But my sympathy lies with all the victims of terrorism, freedom struggle, imperialism, economic hegemonism, information censor,..
I know , I am not making sense. But does world do>
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