I don't depress you, reality does.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


I am trying to make money. I want to be able to afford PS3, XBOX360 and a WII. Ofcourse games for them. I am over doing this games a bit. Last time I finished a game was over a year ago. I buy books and games beyond my finishing ability.
In other news, I am finally changing my personality. ;) Yeah I bought few new garments. Kidding apart, I am more willing to meet people these days. More willing to sit through presentations, talk business.
Hopefully all this will make our kids rich. Believe me, they need money to cater to their basic needs. Like fancy toys, expensive eateries, flight journeys...

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

No Sorry.

I am busy. No, I am not busy. I just pretedn to be busy. I am doing what any other executive does. Travel everywhere. Talk to everybody. Try to make money. I didn't get a WII. Yet.
I am going to get 2 Nintendo DS'. One for me and one for my son. Or both for my sons?? Lets wait and watch.
Going to Goa tomorrow. To have fun. ;)
Should I go for a PS3 instead. Naaah, though I am a sony fanboy, it's too pricey for me. And where are games? Probably when Metal Gear Solid-4 comes out.
And Xbox 360. I played some demoes. And I liked Table tennis. I believe there are few more good games. But somehow that console feels stunted. No internet browsing. Poor DVD playback.
What's happening to Human race? No decent combination of console & games?
Coming to books. Bought a bunch of them yesterday. Will take 2 months to complete them.
Come April, I will have free cash with me. And I will be spulrging that on my foreign trips, consoles, books and not feel guilty. Hopefully.
In other news, my son had completed Hard Sudoku in my mobile. I mean one puzzle. Threat level needs to be enhanced. I mean, threat to my dominence over him. :)